The surname  Galletta in Italy


The Galletta surname is quite diffused in Italy. The phone numbers directories lists 963 subscribers with this name and the web site GENS dealing with the italian surnames and names indicates a wide distribution of people named Galletta on all the peninsula. The places of greatest concentration are the provinces of Messina and Reggio Calabria and Milan. In the years of my frequent travels I have found persons with this surname in telephone directories of Australia, New York and South America. 
Personally, I think that the surnames should not to be 'copyrighted' in Internet, because nobody, even if famous or rich, can claims to represent all the people with the same surname. So, when I had the opportunity of to register, I decided to built a pagededicated to the surname and, obviously, with a few link to  personal, non commercial, internet pages. And here we are. If your name is Galletta  and if you have internet pages, write me (mail to: to the address of this web site ( using  the username "giuseppe".

Giuseppe Galletta of Padua

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